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Lina Distadio

Hey Travis I tried sending you a message about finding a way to help co-sponsor a show if I don't have PayPal but for some reason the messages aren't going through. Just if you can I'd love to chat with you about it. Also, thank you so much for yet another amazing Grey's reaction. With the new season starting soon I'm working really really hard to rewatch as many seasons as I possibly can with you before I start the new season. (No spoilers of course)

Edgerrin Brown

“Yeah bitch I wanna go” 😂

Serenity La’sandra

I’ve been waiting for this episode! The “yeah bitch I wanna go” but also the Jackson and April moment 😳😩 so excited to watch your reaction!


I LOVE April in this episode so much, its like a return of the moment from the trauma training episode when she drives the ambulance. Feisty April is awesome, but now she's having a breakdown at the worst possible moment. I agree about Richard and Katherine. It's obvious he still loves Adele so much, but with her condition the way it is he just isn't her husband anymore. And he's seeing her falling in love with someone else and being happy, a situation he can't do a thing about but watch it happen. He knows Adele isn't going to get better so he should be allowed to be happy too.


Skipped school today and so happy I did lol,, ooo I luv kepner, Catherine is standing on business, the next ep is amazing so excited for the end of the season!!


Agree about Richard. In a way Adele, the person and wife he knew, has died. Loved April and that Jackson and April moment. But HATE the transition of mother, then son, getting it on. lol 😂

Bradey Bononcini

April annoys all her coworkers and abandons her morals to get pegged by Jackson. I love a relatable queen 😂

Jana Fuller

Definitely one of my favorite April moments! I've rewatched that bar fight so many times lol 😆😆😅😅

Portia Crain

I love April always have... I relate to her so much!! She's alittle over the top but the whole virginity thing I relate too I had those same feelings when I lost mine at 22, while they weren't that intense they still existed for me! April and Jackson are my favs (besides callie) so the first time I saw this episode I was so happy!


Glad Bailey talked some sense to Teddy and that Cristina told Meredith. Alex was a champ bring their for Morgan. And yeah you do not want to mess with April especially when she’s on edge.


This isn’t a spoiler but in case you didn’t know the Boards are an oral exam meaning you have to say the answers to hypothetical medical questions, I think oral exams are the worst kind

Jeanette Dawe

I was waiting for you to get to this episode. One of my favourites

Karen McQueeney

Another awesome reaction! I absolutely love your reaction videos! This episode is one of my favorite April Kepner moments when she gets into the fight. And the baby (Tommy) dying, so heartbreaking. Looking forward to your next reaction video. I’m trying to get caught up on Private Practice so I’m heading there next😁


The Boards episode(s) has always been one of my favorites on a rewatch!



Stephanie Davis

I thought Owen was decent this episode, but I still hate him more than I hate Dan Scott and I can’t explain why.


The JAPRIL era is finally here🥰….my fav couple on this show. I love this episode and can’t wait for next episode, literally one of my fav!!!


Travis, can we get a double drop in the same day maybeeee ? since its the end of the season, the last two episode


I love this episode. The thing about Catherine and Richard to me it's a bit shady. He did it once with Ellis and I know those were different circumstances but i can't help but think that he never has been faithful to Adele. Also Jackson and April omg✨️✨️✨️🩷🩵❤️💛💚💜🧡

Terry Mitchell

I love The Richard/Catherine thing, I think you are so right about all of it. :)

Vianeyth Rios

Ahhh April and Jackson!!! This will always be my favorite season I’m so sad it’s ending. From the Alzheimer’s feud to Zola’s adoption to Henry’s death and now the boards and April and Jackson all these storylines felt like season finales (NO SPOILERS) but I I do loveeee this season


How is that spoilers when they literally just hooked up in this episode


i feel the odd one out- dont get me wrong this season isnt my least favourite but its definitely not my fave. cant wait for next season now THAT is my comfort season

Vera S

The scenes between Meredith and Cristina in this episode were so cute, I love them <3

Charissa Kay

Captioning "No spoilers" is good! ... but every so often maybe also share the examples? I've noticed many do not even understand what a spoiler could be, idk how but yeah. 🙄 And to everyone don't write (no spoilers) in your comment if there are none. If there are none there are none? Why even mention it??? ... but especially those who write it, then proceed to like do it as if it can be negated by the parenthesis. 😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️

Leticia Schmitt

I think sometimes people don't think they're being spoilery at all bc they comment a general hint... but if somebody else do another general hint that complements that other one he can put 2+2 together and then boom, spoiler. I think everyone just shoudn't say anything at all about episodes he didn't watched yet. Like even for season 19 (we don't even know if he'll get there lol but still).


We're gonna get banned from commenting with this kind of stuff. None of us can explain why it is a spoiler any further without adding to the spoiling. Please trust us and delete it? 🙏


Agreed. Like, we can't even tell them HOW it is a spoiler without making it worse and risking he will see it before it is [hopefully] deleted.

Charissa Kay

Whose talking about s19? Lol. I haven't seen it don't spoil it for me either 😂😂😂


I wish they would let you give moderating abilities to one of the followers. I'm sure most of us would be happy to moderate Grey's comments for free.


I really like this season overall and this one is one of my favs from Bailey finally getting somewhat through to Teddy, to Cristina and Mer’s relationship, Alex being there for Morgan, April and her “I’m a solider” and punching that guy lol before hooking up with Jackson, and also how cute Richard and Catherine are here. I get why you’re okay with them, I am too because Adele is living her best life with her boyfriend in the home so I don’t feel like he really cheated here. And yes, I so expected Morgan’s baby to live with them dragging it out, I expected a miracle.

Sierra Rainey Mangum

"Yeah, bitch. I wanna GO!!!" 🤣🤣 Kepner Feral moments are the best!!!!

Haryo W Murti

i’m rewatching before the new season drop, and i can NOT stop replaying the ‘april brawl’ scene 🤣 ur reaction was priceless 🤣🤣