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Good morning darling!

Hope you're doing well today. I'm super excited to go get a Smutty Mailbox that I can utilize for other business purposes! Getting things ready for a small merch launch in Sept. I'm excited to go out and get shit done today, and I hope I can share that energy with you! 

Take care of yourself today! Make yourself a treat, go stare at something you adore, breathe in the fresh outside air for a little bit! Do something for you 🥰

Hope you have a great day! More later darling


Smutty 💖🥰💕




Seriously, are you ever sad, or actually angry? Would love to heard that side of you.


Of course my man. I know it seems that way sometimes, but shes still human. I am confident she was both very sad and angry when the minecraft server was griefed for example.


Lol omg yes. I cried for like 2 hours yesterday for no reason, but also reasons 😂 and my rage can run deep (watch me play video games for a little while! 🥸). I save those emotions for the dog (not rage!) 😅🤣


I’m just a little curious, any update on the assnosis audio. I’m eagerly waiting for it 😁


you mean the part 2?! I did that awhile ago here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/f4m-ass-worship-86363171