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Good morning darling!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend like I did, and if not I hope your week improves thusly! 

I'm feeling much better today overall which is nice! I really did just chill out and watch some TV and movies and did some reading and dog walks and it was all really nice. I'm pumped this week at my schedule and things to come. I am going to run off now with the motivation I have and do some errands. 

I hope you find what you need today to get through your day 😉 

Happy world Lizard day! Tell me about your pet lizard if you ever had one (I never did!). 

Anyways, I'm off and running! Have a lovely day! See you on the stream later on Twitch! 😘😍

Much love darling,

-Smutty 💖🥰😍🦎




No lizards for pets, love them in the wild. Bees on the other hand, I myself treat them with respect most of the time. *eyes shift* I remember as a teen wasps made a home in the family grill. So I got to remove them. Still like bees dunno much about birds. Do birds and bees do something dunno. Hope your weak is great. Mine should be pretty chill aside from work.


Never owned a lizard myself but I looked after several when I worked in a pet story. The Albino Leopard Geckos were especially cute. Bees I don’t mind, I actually just learned that bees do not like the dark colors like red and black (they interpret it as a natural predator). That’s why apiarist suit are always white. Hope you have a great week!


I would lose my mind working in a pet store! So cute! I don't mind bees out in the world, but not in my house or car...I freak out. Good to know about the colors though! 😬 😅🐝


Lol...birds and the beeees. So far so good this week. Honey bees and big ol' bumble bees aren't bad, but the wasps and yellow jackets etc can bite one. 😂