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Good morning darling!

I'm freaking pooped out and heading back to bed I think. Need more sleep, and then maybe a tiny bit of coffee 😏 

I'm excited for a low key weekend, and minimal errands and things. I am also looking forward to getting another YouTube video out! 

You up to anything this weekend? Any good plans? Lemme know! 

Hope you have a lovely Friday 🥰 

Love you baby!

-Smutty 😘




Ay aye, pressed my arousal button there. Then again it hasn't been for a bit. Always good to have a little pressure on yourself. Just keep it check, honestly it is what gets me down sometimes is that pressure. So I check myself every now and then.


Hey I'm glad you got a relaxing weekend ahead of you! (Especially after barely sleeping) Honestly looking forward to that myself after an insanely busy three days :) Kicking it off with some magic the gathering or possibly even dnd tonight ^_^ either one's a win tbh And, can't wait to hear the new files later ^_^ But ye, rest well, you're heccin awesome


I hope your games went well! I have had a fairly relaxin' weekend thus far, and loving it 🥰


Definitely a balance in life. There are times when I'm stretched thin, and that would be a bad time for pressure, but the times when I'm just sort of "writer's blocked"...those are the times I need to apply a little bit 🤭😁💝