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Good morning darlings!

I have to laugh at the picture I had saved in my images of the chocolate dick I was gifted many moons ago when I first opened up my Throne gift list. This was one of the first gifts I received, and it made me laugh when I looked through the pictures and was like "Hey! It's chocolate day!'

You doing anything fun this weekend? I am going to run some errands and hopefully hit up the farmer's market I'm interested in. Anyways, have such a good Friday! 

Much love darling,

-Smutty 💖🍫😋




Lol...I literally recorded this like an hour ago and forgot to hit "publish" 😂 Thank goodness for coffee 🤣💖


Relaxing, working on some hobbies,making good food, and playing some games. Those are my plans for the weekend. :) Hope yours is great!


Sleep, rest listen to an audiobook. Give Overwatch a second try haven't played in a long time. Maybe do a bit of writing.


I just had my weekend. Did some visiting.Back to the grind stone tomorrow. I'll also take any excuse to eat chocolate thanks. I hope you have an amazing weekend💕