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Good morning Darling!

Today is Forgiveness Day and I have some thoughts on what that means for me, and possibly you! I hope you all had a great weekend, and are ready for this week ahead of you. 

I have been spread a little thin lately, but had such a good refreshing weekend, and today I'm just going to let myself relax a little and have some quiet time to myself after being "on" for all the people I love in my life that I was around. I tend to draw energy from being alone, so it can be hard when I travel and am with people a lot more (some call it being an introvert) 🤭

I said I was doing a jig seeing the pup when I got home, but he also did a hilariously adorable dance and was all smiles at my arrival. Anyways, keep your eyes and ears open for the release of mine and Ultra's first collaboration later today, and let's have such a good week, shall we?! 

Much love darling,

-Smutty 💖🥰




Good morning Miss Smutty Glad to hear You had a lovely weekend and i am excited for the new Collab with UH. They have some amazing audio's and have done some wonderful Collab's with others and to now get to hear a script of theirs or more if You decide in the future in Your voice *melts a little* I am so glad i decided to support yesterday and have been enjoying a couple audio's so far and certainly very nice to wake if not a late on a Monday and listen to Your morning audio. Hope You have a lovely day <3


3 PM EST 2 PM CST 1 PM MST 12 PM PST 7 PM UTC anyone need any more?


I totally understand the need to decompress. Woo introverts! I called in sick today for partying too hard at Pride parade yesterday, though my idea of "partying at Pride" is mostly just a lot of standing, walking, and peoplewatching, interspersed with occasional joining the crush of people and picking up mild contact highs. Still managed to wreck my body anyway, so home I am.


Welcome back! Glad your feeling better. As a fellow introvert I do sometimes feel the same way :)


Glad you had a great weekend, and know that the work you do is greatly appreciated. The creativity and dedication to your work is truly inspiring and has pushed me to do things I never thought I would or could do.


I am happy for that because you make good work Max! ❤️


It sounds like you had a great weekend! 💕Yes introverted extrovert problems and the need to decompress. I will be in the same boat as you. Back you my goblin cave 😈 Learning to forgive myself is the biggest thing I w been working on this year for sure. 💪 I'm glad you're back and I hope you have an great start to the week. 💖


I'm so glad you decided to hop onboard too! Thank you for being here, and I'm glad you're already enjoying yourself! you have such a lovely day too! 🥰


Woo indeed! I am glad you got a chance to go out and celebrate some Pride! All those activities can absolutely wear you out, even if just mentally! Glad you're taking care of yourself 🥰


Thank you so much 🥺 I was talking to a girlfriend about it today and she was asking about the flow and release of things I put out...I told her that while I can add stress to myself by thinking things like "is this enough?" I have tried switching the gears to "is this the quality I want to produce"...I find that I am much more satisfied when I feel I'm doing a good job, than trying to rush the process of creating just for the sake of quantity! Also I love that you have gained some of your own motivation...that is such a cool byproduct and makes me really happy 🥰


Yes to the decompress! I did have a really great weekend, and I'm just trying to ride those waves now. It's been a nice Monday for sure! I love my goblin cave! My dog thinks I'm losing my mind cause I'm so chipper 😂 Hope you have a great start too lovey! 🥰


No problem. I had to double-check my own time zone, so I figured I might as well post it to save others the hassle.




yay!!! good to hear (depending on the team that won >:))


OH LOL 😭😭😭 I thought you were talking MLB for a second hehe congrats on the kid taking the win :))