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Hello darling!

Good morning and happy Thursday to you. We are now in a new Zodiac sign, so hello Cancer's I see you (and look forward to reading your terrible horoscope from 1970's). Happy Summer months to you all! Clearly I am going to need a lot of coffee on my trip today. 

Go out, get some chocolate eclairs and onion rings (I recommend eating them in the opposite order). I finished up the bunny audio and am just cleaning that up a little, so keep your eyes and ears open for that later (it is so silly and I had so much fun with it, and it's a bit different than my other files, so be gentile when you listen). 

Anyways, gotta go finish packing and get on the road! Have a great day darling! 

Much love!

-Smutty 💖🧅🍫




Happy Thursday, June 22/23. Love the Space Girl song. I'll be sure to find and consume a chocolate éclair. ^-^


Mmmm chocolate eclairs, well I guess I HAVE to have one now that you told us to. Have a safe trip, a fun time and a safe home!


Now I have a new song to find lol. I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip. Oh and GL on the finding of a good chocolate eclair =^.^=


I will NOT be getting a chocolate eclair and onion rings just because you told us to. 😜 (Jk that goes against my own happiness so I probably will). I am also traveling this weekend. Safe travels for the both of us! I hope you have a wonderful time on your visit! 💕


I have no objection to creamy things in my mouth, but I'm not a fan of sugary pastries. Maybe I'll find some onion rings today.


have a great trip!!! safe travels and have fun :))