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Good morning!

Hope you're doing well this fine Humpday. Happy Masturbation Month (apparently according to the internet). I know I'm doing my part in that, how about you?! 🤭 Cumming is good for you, promise. 

Listen as I ramble along and hope you get through all my silly thoughts with me. I did ask some questions about my thoughts on creating some "basics with Smutty" hypnosis files, where I do some simple audio inductions (fractionation, body relax, etc). Let me know your thoughts on that. I'm not sure where I'm going with it, but input is welcome on what you're thinking 😊 (and no pressure either!). 

Anyways, I am going to go fiddle with some stuff in my kitchen now...☕ 

Much love darling!

-Smutty 🥰💝

PS: Pluot was a cross between plum and apricot! So good!!! 😋




Yessss a smutty fruit ramble. Love it! 😋 Also, love fruits. I got strawberries from two different stands at the farmers market the other day. One of them had free samples of strawberries, so of course I bought theirs after literally just buying some lol 🍓 So many good fruits you gotta try them all. I hope you have a great hump day. 💕


I think a “Basics with Smutty” playlist is a great idea! Especially for newer people who just joined. I do think that a lot of fractionation files are repetitive, I have a couple ways I’ve spiced mine up. A favorite is dropping the subject back down mid count up. I’ve found it adds just enough confusion and another layer that it helps shut the brain off. Feel free to reach out if you want other ideas! Have a great day! P.S. I don’t think anyone here would be miffed by longer audios.


Just because it's masturbation month doesn't mean it's orgasm month 😏 Yes to longer files. Yes to basics files. I'd also like to see like... piecemeal files? I don't know if that's the best way to describe it. So we can mix and match inductions and bodies and wakeners (or forego the wakener altogether...).


Both ideas are great. As a newer patron, a set of audio ‘basics’ sounds great. The idea for a primer audio is also wonderful. Something to not only help reinforce triggers, but also can be used to just practice being guided into hypnosis by the sound of your voice.


Love a good Fractionation. I also enjoy longer files as long as they remind you to drop deep, always a danger of slowly ‘recovering’ during a longer file.

Cheese thief

I would love basics with smutty be so much fun as well as the idea of longer videos maybe fractionation and brainwashing/addictions being long or looped even. Or have one for people to sleep with in background would be fun


Excellent! Thank you for the feedback. I thought that sometimes some files may be boring if they are repetitive, but I've had several people say they love to just sort of phase out and listen and enjoy sometimes!


Good to know! That would be something I could see myself forgetting to do after the initial deepener. Thank you! 🥰


Thank you for joining up, and for the feedback. I have made so many audios now I lose track of where I used the basic things like "fall for smutty" trigger and other such things. It would be fun to have some searchable initial files for people to play around with. 🥰


Haha! You got me there! Piecemeal is a good word for what I believe you mean! I love the idea of mix and match audios...sort of a choose your own adventure vibe 🤭


You know I do love the confusion stuff 🤭 I will keep all that in mind! Thank you! 🥰


Fruit ramble for the win! (Fruit Ramble could be the name of a drink I think 😋 (both alcoholic and non)). I was so proud I didn't let any of my strawberries go bad! All of them were properly devoured! (I usually lose one or two to white fuzzies). 😆🍓