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Hello darling!

Hope you're having a great Friday thus far, and are getting ready for the weekend. Hope you have a sip of water with me today 😆 It will help with muscle cramps so you don't end up like me! 

I woke up a little rough this morning (just a little headache), but I have recovered after some face time with the sun and watching the dog roll in the grass for awhile, and am now in quite the silly mood 😂

How are you doing this fine Friday? Got any good plans for the weekend? Let me know. 

Hope you have such a good day, and let's get to this freaking weekend baby! 🤩

Much love darling,

-Smutty 💖🥰

PS: (If you turn the volume up at the 3 minute mark (ish) you can hear the dog push the "out" button in the other room). 

PPS: If you wish to tell me that my ball fact is correct, you can send me a message and I'll be greatly entertained. 😂 If you're an exhibitionist you can comment it below! 🤣🏀⚽🏈




I can report, as an ambidextrous person, I don’t seem to have one ball that hangs lower than the other. I feel like I’m not helping. 🌰🌰


Yess the bratty dog saga continues. I think the only thing that will make that interaction better is if he had swear buttons too. "Bitch out" 😂😂💕 I hope you have an amazing weekend. 💖


Lol...I've thought of giving him some swears...he will abuse them 😂