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Good morning Darlings!

Hope you've all been doing well. I'm a little groggy from all the weekend shenanigans, but I'm happy to be back at my desk looking at the web and catching up on some things. 

What did you do this past weekend? Have any fun? Hopefully you're having a good week thus far (I know the week is young, but still!) Go out and hug a tree today! Breathe in the delicious oxygen they give! Huzzah to trees!

Anyways, more later I'm sure. Have a great day darlings! 


Smutty 💖🌲🌳




Sounds like you had a lovely and productive weekend! 💕 I never was a girl scout but me and my older sister went to girl scout camp one summer for a a week(I had no idea what was going on half the time lol) never went back. We went to Jesus camp instead after that 😆 Anyway, I hope you have a great week! 💖


Hello Smutty! I am temporarily living sorta in the forest and I was actually thinking a few days ago that trees are just pretty dang awesome. They look beautiful, they provide things for humans and animals. They make you feel calm and safe and they don't really harm anyone. Like isent that pretty dang awesome?


I love being out in the nature of my lawn. Me and my trees have good times 🥰 And yes, it's pretty dang awesome.