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Hello darlings! 

Hope you had a good weekend.  Did you do anything fun? I hope so. I was pretty relaxed which was nice. Today is an example of how it is okay to restart if you need to 😆 

Hope you have such a good Monday! 


Smutty 🥰💖




Good morninggg giggles! 😘😂 Sounds like you need a couple of strapping boytoys to collect your wood for you 😉


Friday I was at a birthday and saturday I was in the movie theatre. I hope you have the most amazing week! ♥️😊 You are wonderful! (I know this doesn't count for the task. Still wanted to say it 🤭)


Good morning and happy Monday! -40? Holy bananas thats cold. Did not do anything that special but went swimming and made some kinda personal record if you will. Last 9 days I have been swimming and doing the sauna for 8 :D


You have a dog? you should show some pics of your dog sometime! As a good soldier of yours I will follow the compliment command, I will tell my dog what a great dog he is! I hope you get warm and snuggled up, drink some hot chocco and just let the fire dance for you!


Haappy monday 😊 glad you managed to stay cozy all weekend! That’s way too cold 😅 I’ve been on the mend so chilling as well, we’ll see if I actually get well enough to get out of the house this week 🙈 this week shall get banged then, I hope it’s ready 🤭 No YOU have a nice face! Did I do it right? 🙈


Rotating shifts can be so strange for the sleep schedule! I'm glad you connected with a friend. I have an Old English Sheepdog! There are pics of him on discord pinned in the photo channel 🥰


Omg yes I have a dog! He is pinned in the discord photo channel in his adorable glory. Lol...give that dog extra pettings from me! 💖


Ooh! What movie did you go and see? 👀 Sounds like a great weekend! 💖


It was a korean movie called "Project Wolf Hunting". It started good actually but then it went into a really weird direction that I didn't enjoy at all. 🤣 Overall: meh.

Alan Yes

I played two TTRPG on the weekend and watched the latest episodes of Vox Machina (Critical Role on Amazon)!! The anticlimax: I rented the 1984 movie Runaway because Gene Simmons from KISS stars in it; however, it was just bad, unfortunately, not bad enough to be good... P.S. Compliments to all the wonderful comments for Smutty today!!!


Oh dang! I love when movies are so bad they turn to good. Sounds like a pretty good weekend overall though 😊


Sounds like you had a nice cozy weekend. I'm glad you stayed warm. I will send you some warmth. I spent my weekend at the beach ( it was only 60⁰ but still a lot better than -40⁰) 😉I hope you have a wonderful week 💖