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Hello darlings!

This is a text induction I found on r/EroticHypnosis written by u/SubRpCyn who I reached out to see if they would be okay with me using their text to create an audio file (and they gave permission!). 

In this file there will be 6 puppy play triggers installed in this audio. 

Here is a link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/EroticHypnosis/comments/10gg4zy/induction_pet_play_good_pet_gender_neutral/

I made a couple little changes to the script in that I repeated the triggers to let them absorb a little more. 

There is a count back up to bring you out of trance, but one of the trigger words is used a couple times in it, possibly making things a bit...good feeling for you 😏 So give yourself a little time after to enjoy the afterglow of the words. Special thanks to Cyn for allowing me to adapt their words into an audio. Make sure to give them up boops on Reddit if you're into that, and a comment thanking them for their hard work. (not a requirement on my part, just a nice thing to do 😘).

Do not read the next paragraph if you don't want spoilers 😉

Triggers: "Mind off" will bring you back to trance, help you sink back down deeper. "Collared" fills your head with sweet little puppy thoughts. "Greet" makes you feel like you want to send an adorable message to whoever used the trigger. "Sit" puts you down on your knees, sitting on your heels, and presenting your tongue and paw. "Roll over" makes you want to roll around on the floor like a happy puppy on your back. Finally, "Treat" gives a sense of overwhelming pleasure, between your legs. 

Hope you enjoy my sweet puppy 🐶💖


Mistress Smutty 😘💞💫




OMG thank you


😉 It was nice of the reddit writer to allow me to make it! 😁 Thought of you though 🐶

John Douglass Films

that felt really fun and comforting, the full descriptions and information you give at the start of audios makes me feel really safe and at ease, thank you so much 💜


i'm such a happy puppy 🥰🥰🥰 i do love being a puppy 💖💖💖 there's something about the simple nature of puppy commands that are just so easy to follow and takes my mind to a simple, playful, submissive, obedient, excited place. i love this 😍😍😍 thank you Mistress 💖💖💖


So happy to be a good, obedient, collared puppy!! 🐶

Alan Yes

I am also so happy and grateful for this magical transformation into a simple, playful, good, submissive, obedient, collared, excited puppy!


It felt nice to be called a good pup/pet from you. You've done a great job at performing this audio! The snap-mmhs are such a nice touch.


thank you so much for the treats.. i nearly got over excited,,,


Love to be in puppy space 🐶🐕🥰 *wags my tail in joy 🐶* 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I want nothing more than to be your obedient little pup 🥰🐶 I'd love to see more using these or similar triggers