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Hello darlings!

I am still a bit punchy. I may take a little nap this morning after I get a little laundry going for the trip. Do I wait till the last minute? Yes. Do I regret that? Sometimes 🤭

Anyways, hope you have a lovely humpday! More soon!


Smutty 💞💕

PS: How bimbo voice did I go when I said "I had a thought" 😂🥰




8.5 on the bimbo voice🤪


I’ll be keeping your Dad in my thoughts to start recovering quickly from any ailments. Good luck packing for your trip and getting motivated to leave prepared to focus on a safe trip.


Good morning! Good luck and have fun with the trip Smutty! I hope everything goes well :)


I hope your dad gets well soon! Have a wonderful trip and rest of your week! ♥️🥰 Can't say it enough but you are amazing and hearing you makes my days better.

Edward Paegle

Good Morning Beautiful


Thank you much! Today's weather is looking great! If I were to leave tomorrow it looks like there would have been a lot of snow 😮


Good morning 😊 I’m sure we all like hearing the mundane too, I do at least! Hope your dad gets well soon ❤️ Mad libs you say? 👀 a pretty excellent bimbo voice indeed 😄


drive safe :) enjoy your time with friends and family. I think your madlib idea plan will be really good


Thank you! I am kind of jazzed about the Madlibs idea...I think I'll work on something for after the new year! 😍🥰


Thank you! I'll be chatting at my mom tomorrow to see how he is! I will definitely be doing a mad libs "help me write my next hypno" fun run...probably a nice bimbo one too 🤭