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Hello darlings!

Hope you've had a lovely day. I sounded confused about evening because I was trying to figure out at which point it is inappropriate to say "good afternoon" vs "good evening" 🤭

Have you had a weird time week? It feels like there is something in the timeline this week! Hope you're having a lovely day. Don't sink into my whack-ado theories! 😂

Look out for a sleepy early audio release tomorrow afternoon (early evening?!) 


Smutty 💖




Yeah something has been off this week. It could be a disruption of the space-time continuum. Or just the fact I have been sick the entire week 😂


We had the weekly team conference call on monday instead of tuesday this week. And I worked from home on tuesday when I usually go into the office that day. So yes I totally agree on time being weird and I thought the whole day on monday and tuesday that it was already the next day! 😵‍💫 Wtf, is going on. Maybe your tick tock clock recording is having late after effects. 🤣 Have the most wonderful rest of your day! ♥️


Aww...lol...could be the sick for you yeah...I hope you keep getting better and fast! 😉💖


Ooh! Powerful clock indeed! I'm glad it's not just me this week 😅💖


I hope you feel better soon Dannit!


It feels like I've been in a time warp hole for the past 2-3 years, especially the past year since my partner became a flight attendant. Her time is way more warped than mine 🤪. It's fun when there is a pendulum effect between "might just be me" and "they are the crazy", with the "glad I'm not alone in this" in the middle. But smutty knows all about the pendulums and playing with contrast.


Good evening! 😊 it’s not very rare for me to be confused of the time and date, and it’s happened this week too 😅 my sleep being all messed up definitely affects this, and that happens easily this time of year. I’m so glad to hear you got the sleep you needed, though! It’s so important to 😊


My entire life has become a Time warp fuckery ever since my twins were born. It’s literally been a year of wondering what the fuck time and day it is! Lol. Obviously it’s also the most wonderful thing in the entire universe too. But, that doesn’t explain the timey whimy-ness of it all. 😉


Glad I'm not the only one who has felt like time has been acting weird lately. Like we a skipped a day or repeated a day. Some thing weird like that. I blame the Gemini full moon. When in doubt blame astrology 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope the rest of your evening goes well.


😉 Yeah she does 💖 (That also sounds like a cool job and I hope she loves it!)

Alan Yes

I am enjoying the powerful, supernatural feeling of this beautiful, enchanting voice, asynchronously on Friday morning! Thank you, Smutty!