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Hello darlings!

You can hear my voice is still not warmed up yet this afternoon! I had such a good Thanksgiving time, hope you didn't miss me too much (I missed you all terribly!)

Happy to be home, happy to have some stuff to work on! What are you up to this week? Have fun cybering today 😏😅


Smutty 💝

PS: I don't know why I sounded so indignant about not knowing about French Toast day 🤣




Welcome back! ♥️ Definitely missed you! French toast sounds amazing, I will make some this week. I hope you have a wonderful start into the new week and have fun on the mic. 🥰


Oh yeah I love getting my cyber on in the cyberspace, cybertalking to my cyberfriends and so fourth. Hypnovoice ending 😵‍😍Have a great day!


Aww...thank you Alex! I hope you have such a lovely week! 😋😊💞


So wonderful to have you back on, My Smutty Grrl Goddess - can’t wait to see what you have in store for us during the last month of 2022!


Energetic Smutty! I’m so glad you had such a good Thanksgiving and weekend 😊 I think I’d heard of cybering, but I’d forgotten that meaning 🙈 well.. I guess I’ve been going with the theme already, incidentally 😁 That sultry voice.. I’ll just say getting sleepy wasn’t the way my body reacted to that shdjdksksk


Thank you! lol...cybering all day long! I'm glad you enjoyed that little ending 🤭💞


Welcome back!😍❤️. Shopping for a new job. Not fun but needed