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Hello darlings!

So as you all know I've had a decent little cold this past week or so. I think it boiled down to not getting enough sleep and a touch bit of stress biting me in the arse. 

I finally felt good enough to record, though I still have the slightest of "cold voice" going on, I think it just made this audio sound a little more intimate. 💕

This audio is a short (or maybe it will feel long) hypnosis audio where I discuss how time can be so tricky, and it can really go slow or fast without you knowing. It is meant to confuse time a bit, and make it slip away on you perhaps. 

Tags: [hypnosis] [time slip] [tick tock] [snap-mms] [deepener] [conversational induction] [pleasure] [intimate] [no added sfx] [loving] [happy] [soft wakener] [gentle quiet breathing] [slightly asmr] [post hypnotic suggestion] [pink]

I do so hope you enjoy this. I'm excited to get back in the groove (thank goodness with Thanksgiving next week here!). I do hope you have such a lovely day. Be well. Let me know how you like this one would you? 


Smutty 💞💗💕

PS: I will be adding some binaural whispers and other little tricks and things for a YouTube release soon, I will definitely share that when it's done 🥰😘




That was marvelous! Very relaxing and the praise at the end felt fantastic! Thank you Smutty! 🥰


Thank you, thank you, thank you! 💞 I love what you did here. You are amazing!


Mmm...I'm glad you liked it! I was almost so relaxed during it I could have fallen asleep 😅😂💖

Alan Yes

I love to fall for Smutty, to fall so deep for you.


Being able to constantly dissociate from the world with your audios is so nice since I'm stressed quite a bit so thanks for that smutty


I hope the stress leaves you soon...in the meantime I'm happy to help 🥰

Edward Paegle

I love to fall deep for