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Hello darlings!

Today is voting day in the USA, and I'm going out to vote. I am sure no one who follows me could be surprised (I mean come on, you listen to me right?) About my concerns over some of the big issues going on in America. If you don't like to be political, just skip this, it's cool (I still think you should vote!). 

I hope you have a wonderful day, please be gentle with me if you disagree with me, I would be with you. 💖 Much love darlings. Be well!

-Smutty 💙💖💙




You have the right to be angry. Forcing someone to stay pregnant against their will is barbaric. Unfortunately I don't get to vote in American election being Swedish and all :) I agree its important to vote if you can. Millions of brave souls died in WW2 so that we could keep our right to vote. Lets honour their legacy and keep on voting.


Since I'm 18 and don't follow political stuff it'd probably be worse for me to vote I'd definitely pick someone at random


I'm on your side Smutty. Trump makes me fucking sick. I hope it goes well. Good luck and have a wonderful day! 💙


Get your ass to the voting booth ;) Democratic is pro choice if that makes things easier for ya :)


You used the term “Pro-Human”. How is it possible to be Pro-Human and be Pro-Abortion. It is killing a human being. My state has a new proposal on the ballot to allow abortion up to the birth day of the child and abortion is already legal here. This is insanity.


An opposing viewpoint


Already done. I early voted last week. It’s crazy that in New York we actually have to worry about battles already fought and won. This is the crap I usually see coming outta Florida or somewhere else with an equally creepy governor


Disagree! I have spent many election days in my car at the voting booth toiling over each candidate. Reading about them, and choosing at my polling place. That being said if you’re not registered you may be out of luck 😛 also, you do not have to cast a vote for every category if you’re unsure of someone. Anyways, welcome to the voting side of things.😉 glhf!


I am okay with the rhetoric “pro abortion” if it gets it legal. One of my favorite laws about abortion I read fully is in New Zealand. I think we need something like that with clear language and make a decision as to how many weeks (20 weeks in their case) it is legal to abort. Also we need it to be legal for fuller terms for mothers who lose their baby before birth, but do not spontaneously abort (miscarry for those who don’t know what that means), so that women don’t have to carry a dead baby inside of them, potentially killing the mother. There are so many layers to this. But this is the hill I will die on. I’ve read other countries laws. I’ve talked to the women in my life about their abortions. I sat with one of my girlfriends when we were 19 after she was raped and chose to abort. I have more to say, but probably not here. I’ll let it hang in the air.


There are only 11 states where abortion is prohibited. Isn’t it more barbaric to murder a human life? Have you ever felt the love of holding a daughter or son in your arms? Know the facts and not just the talking points from CNN and NPR. https://reproductiverights.org/


Obliviously I don't consider it murder. And no don't get my opinion from CNN or american NPR. In Europe your opinion more or less don't even exist.


I don't watch CNN, and I pretty much stopped listening to NPR since I no longer have a long commute. I talked to my Mother's generation a lot (working with elderly for 15 years led to a lot of discourse about this stuff) and the struggles women went through to get us the rights we have. My mom's generation is a rape generation. I was shocked by the amount of women who so casually talked about their rapes back in the 50's and 60's (and beyond). I agree with the website you sent about abortion being essential. I think I'll make a donation today thank you 😊


Thank you everyone for being respectful in your opinions. I will not ban anyone for an opposing viewpoint to my own, and this Patreon will not become a political page. It was just on my mind today. Feelings are something no one can control, and I do like sharing mine (a lot actually...you guys are an amazing sounding board sometimes). Hope you have a great day everyone! 😁💜


Alright I'm voting now my mom just said pick the lesser of 2 evils so time to do quick research