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Someone reminded me I didn't put up a short version of this audio (or at least I don't remember doing so 😅 Here is Deep sleep hypnosis!




I’ve listened to this a fair few times by now, but I’m always in varying states of sleepiness so I find something new almost every time 😄 so many beautiful words, and the way you bring them to life feels so delicate and deliberate 😊 you make them feel good in my ears ☺️ I’ve had some difficult nights again recently and this has helped me calm down, so thank you again ❤️ and thanks for the shorter version, I’ve woken up with a near dead battery a few times with the youtube version 😄


This was one of my earlier files, but one that I was so excited to make. I am glad you have enjoyed it so much, and are finding new things about it each time (I love movies like that!).


Sorry about your difficult nights. It warms my heart when people say my audios have brought them something they need at various times. 💖


Listened to this on a hour and a half drive for the last 30 min of the trip good nap


So beautiful, calming, soothing - I slept so well after that!