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Greetings and Salutations!

We made it through August! And now on to September! I am looking forward to fall, and spooky times! 

Hope you all are doing well, I'm really excited for projects I'm working on! I'm debating if I need to go through and clean out all the August greetings, or just leave them there...any thoughts? Do they bother when looking through them? I'm not sure if there are ways to organize such things...I'm just thinking out loud here. lol...alright...have a great day darlings! Look out for part two of my Erotic reading of old poetry later today! 😉


Smutty 💖




Of course your dog comes running when you start talking. Like any of us would. 🤭❤️ Have a great day! Can't wait to see what this next month brings.


Haha....he's such a good boy...I love that damn dog! I'm excited too about the month...I know I said that already...but still! 😁


I may just leave them there...I have had a few people reach out and ask I don't take them down 🥰 (It's really freaking sweet actually)...I appreciate the thoughts though...I may turn them into one long file at the end of the month...but we shall see! I'll leave August and maybe experiment at the end of this month...for science! oooooh....scary hypnosis! 🦇🎃 I'm into this.


haha! Smutty says! I don't hate the idea 🤔😁