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 Good morning! 

I have been up all night revamping my tier structure for Patreon. Those of you in my current 6 dollar tier will remain in my "Legacy" tier, and continue to get all the benefits you've gotten so far, (plus some as I come up with them...like good morning messages!)! 

I can't believe I got up to 99 patrons in July! So exciting. I know not everyone can stay sometimes, but I love seeing everyone none-the-less (even if it's just to pop in for a month of support!) 

I am excited about changes that are coming up, and new content, and even though sometimes it's stressful, I'm so excited about change. I hope you are too my love. 


Smutty 😘💖

PS: Any of these greeting audios in the month will be deleted the following month to make room for new ones the next month. Much love! Now tell me: "Get back to work smutty!" 😅😘💖




Get back to work, Smutty!


Heard the message in the evening, still appreciated it. And I had a great day today. So thanks and I hope you had/have the same. :)


I realize doing these will hit at different times for people...the sentiment will be fun though! 😊😉 I'm glad you had a great day! Thank you, I am too so far! 💖


to be clear: I appreciate a Smutty-morning morning greeting at any time of the day! :-* Additional question: When does this effect stop, that your voice sends one into a blissful state of mind immediately? Asking for a friend...💖


So I am dumbly laughing right now. I thought your recording would just read this post. And it's not. Happy Girlfriend day bby.


Lol…that’s fairly well adorable 💕 glad you checked it out! 😉 thank you 😘