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Im out of town this weekend. I’m laying here, in the room I grew up. I’m currently in an afterglow, thoroughly spent.

The day was long and hot, spent with people and laughter. And now I’m spent. I put on cute clothes, had a few drinks with a girlfriend and…what a good night.

I am feeling warm fuzzies right now. I pressed into myself, escalating in gentle slow rhythms, allowed my hips to buck against my wet fingers, until explosions.

I wish I could surround you with this feeling I have right now. Curled up, half-naked, content. Freshly orgasmed. Glowing into the night. Waiting for sleep to wrap herself around me. It’s just so good sometimes, this life.

Goodnight. With love (or good morning ☀️😘)

-Smutty 💕😘


Shawn Skvarna

Sounds like a lovely night


I'm glad you're having a wonderful weekend. ❤️


How come when I read your words I hear your voice saying them like in some movie trope.


For some strange reason it makes me feel good knowing you are enjoying life.