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Hello darlings! 

I forgot to post on the 5th proper (I was away for the weekend so I kind of forgot my days). You'll be happy to know that I came 10 times the other day using that new toy of mine 😅 (science!) 

Anyways, I have a new winner for the monthly "choose my next audio theme" and they have received notice in their inbox. All of my patrons names go in and I roll my magical dice to select the winner. They have responded, but are working on what they may enjoy for the next audio I will share with everyone (I'm looking forward to it very much...it's fun having input from listeners!)

I hope you all are enjoying summer thus far. I have some exciting things I am working on for August as far as shifting gears on my Patreon. I will be introducing new tiers. I have had people tell me that my one tier is "too much" for their taste before leaving, and quite a few tell me it costs too little (which made me kind of chuckle). 

So! How I'm going to do it, is anyone in the current $6 tier is going to be sort of "locked in" or grandfathered in as they are. This means that you will continue to get all my content, even once I break things up into higher tiers. I figure you guys started with me, and like the arrangement, so what the hey...you've earned your spot. 

I will have a couple higher tiers that will probably have monthly limits for special perks also...but I'm still banging away at the details (and figuring out how to make it all work)! 

I have hit over 2,000 followers on Reddit (🤯) and am doing a sort of AMA there. If you are interested in participating (I would love that!) you can ask me question(s) in the comment, or go to this form (it doesn't track who answers, so questions are anonymous to me):


And ask question(s) there. Or you can send me a DM...or just wait for the audio I produce in a few weeks once I have a few more questions lined up! I already have had a few fun ones to work with, so I think it'll be a fun project (though who knows how much people wanna know more about me 😅😘) 

I think that's about it for updates...I'm forgetting something...but I'm pretty sure that's because my new dildo is staring at me, begging me to insert it before bed...so yeah...mm...I'll write a dear diary about it after I use it 😉

Thank you for being here...it really means a lot to me. Love you guys

-Smutty 💖😘



10 times in one day - now thats just bragging!


Lol! I was bragging for sure. As someone who has NEVER before achieved more than one or two orgasms per...ahem...session...I felt like I unlocked an achievement! I had to give myself a few days off though 😅 I don't think I'll go for that again...but damn it was a good day 😁