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Hey everyone! I'm just so excited to see growth in my Patreon and I have all of you to thank. As I grow, I adapt. I am trying to figure out a good balance of posts, and I have so many ideas I have a hard time keeping up (notebooks everywhere!) 

Just an fyi, I'm going to try and keep making (at least) 2 sexy erotica posts a week (beginning and end of the week), and TRY to do at least 2 hypnosis files a month (technically four because I will be trying to make sfw ones and nsfw ones!).

For those of you just popping in for a little bit to check things out, so nice to have you, hope you have a lovely March, you're always welcome back in my good graces lovelies! 😘

For those of you sticking around but still new, I'm thrilled you're going to chill with me a bit longer. I have lots of ideas rolling around in this dirty little mind of mine for this cumming March. 😏

For those that have been here more than 30 days and sticking around, be prepared on March 5th for a drawing! I will be choosing one lucky Patron to create a custom 10  minute (approximate) audio file for you!  We will discuss parameters and go from there. Whatever you come up with I can customize with your name, and then remove your name so I can share it with others. I will give you at least one full week with the audio alone before I post it anywhere! So start thinking of what you'd like me to do for you...or to you...you know what I mean 😊

Alright, I better get back to work...it's a hard...wet...mostly wet...job, but somebody's gotta do it!  💦🥵

Love you all! 

-Smutty 💕


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