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I actually wanted to make a parody of an Eevee card that was sold in that Van Gogh museum. Unfortunately, things got out of hand quick, and I ended up drawing another Eevee .
Oh well, at least I did this pic in record time, hope you all likes it

Oh also, I tried to make a pretty slow-burn story for this one, so not jumping to the sticky and fun stuff!

You had always dreamed of living in the city, where everything was fast and exciting. You left your hometown as soon as you could, hoping to find a better life as a Lucario. But things didn’t go as planned. You struggled to find a decent job, you got scammed by a shady landlord, and you had no friends to support you. You felt lonely and miserable, and you wondered if you had made a mistake.

One day, you saw an advertisement for a farm that needed some help. It was located in a small town, far away from the city. You decided to give it a try, thinking that maybe you could start fresh in the countryside. You packed your bags and boarded a train, hoping for a change of luck.

You arrived at the farm and met the owner, a friendly Typhlosion who welcomed you warmly. He showed you around the place, which was cozy and well-maintained. He told you that he had inherited the farm from his grandfather, and that he was proud of his work. He also told you that he had a farmhand who helped him with the chores, and that you would meet her soon.

You followed him to the barn, where he introduced you to his farmhand. She was an Eevee, but not like any Eevee you had ever seen before. She had long, silky fur that shone in the sunlight, a two-tone black and brown hair, and bright red eyes that sparkled with curiosity. She barely wears anything apart from a bra that was fashioned from jeans scraps and jeans shorts, but they were cut in such a way that the shorts looked more like jean panties, showing off her legs. She looked at you with a smile, and you felt your heart skip a beat.

“Hi there, I’m Nera,” she said, extending her paw. “Nice to meet you.”

“Hi, I’m… uh… you,” you stammered, shaking her paw.

“You?” she repeated, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, that’s my name,” you said, feeling embarrassed.

“Oh, okay. Well, welcome to the farm,” she said, still smiling.

“Thank you,” you said.

“Nera is the best farmhand I’ve ever had,” the Typhlosion said. “She’s been working here for a few months now, and she’s done wonders for the place. She’s also an explorer.”

“An explorer?” you asked.

“Yeah, I used to be an exploration team leader,” Nera said. “But I decided to take a break from that for a while. I wanted to see something different, so I came here.”

“What kind of things did you explore?” you asked.

“Oh, all kinds of things,” Nera said. “Ruins, dungeons, forests, mountains… You name it, I’ve been there.”

“Wow, that sounds amazing,” you said.

“It was,” Nera said. “But it was also dangerous and exhausting. Sometimes I just wanted to relax and enjoy the simple things in life.”

“Like farming?” you asked.

“Like farming,” Nera said. “It’s peaceful and rewarding. And fun.”

“Fun?” you asked.

“Yeah, fun,” Nera said. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

She grabbed your paw and pulled you along. You followed her as she showed you how to feed the animals, water the plants, collect the eggs, and milk the Miltanks. She taught you how to do everything with skill and enthusiasm. She made everything seem easy and enjoyable. You found yourself having fun too.

She was so beautiful, sexy, and charming. She was smart and adventurous. She was kind and cheerful. She was everything you ever wanted in a partner.

You wondered if she felt the same way about you.

You hoped she did, but you feel really out of her league.

You spent the next few days working with Nera on the farm. You learned more about her and her past adventures. She learned more about you and your dreams for the future. You laughed together at jokes and stories. You helped each other with tasks and problems. You grew closer every day.

One evening, after finishing your chores, Nera invited you to join her for a walk around the farm. You agreed eagerly, and the two of you set off into the sunset. You walked through the fields and meadows, chatting and laughing. You came to a stop near a lake and sat down on the grass.

Nera lay back on the ground and gazed up at the stars. You lay down next to her, admiring the beauty of the night sky.

"I really like stargazing you know, it made me remember my adventuring days" said Nera.

"What was it like? Exploring the world?" You asked.

"It was exhilarating, it was terrifying, and it was amazing. Every day was an adventure, and I met all kinds of people. Some were good, some were bad, but I never gave up hope," Nera explained.

"That's very brave of you," You complimented her.

"Thank you, but it's not just about being brave, it's about having a purpose, and for me, that purpose is to help others." Said Nera.

"That's very noble of you." You said.

"Thank you, but enough about me, what about you? What are your dreams?" Nera asked.

"Oh, well, I don't really have any big dreams. I guess I just want to live a happy and peaceful life," You answered honestly.

"I think that's a wonderful dream. It's nice to have simple goals in life," Nera replied.

"Thank you," You said.

"You know, this is nice. I haven't had a friend like you in a long time. I've been so focused on work that I haven't had time to relax and enjoy myself. Thank you for spending time with me tonight," Nera said.

"It's my pleasure, Nera. I'm enjoying myself, too," You admitted.

The two of you continued talking until the moon was high in the sky. You realized you had spent hours talking to her.

"I think we should go back now, it's getting late," You suggested.

"Oh, okay. Let's go then," Nera said.

You stood up and offered her your paw. She took it and you helped her up. You walked back to the house in silence, each lost in your own thoughts.

You really feel something with Nera, but you don't know if she feels the same....



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