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Soo... If you are seeing this it means I am currently away with my parents. I made this in a rush so you won't be left with nothing for this week. I will be back soon. Meanwhile, enjoy this Rouge that are the runner up of the sweater wife poll.

Short Story

All characters in this story are consented adults and over the age of 18.

It was a sunny day when Tails started working on a machine that would help his friends. He had gathered all the materials and was almost done with the wiring when he noticed something was missing. The Emerald Gem was nowhere to be found.

"I can't believe I lost the Emerald Gem. It's so rare, and I don't think I can get another one in time," Tails said, disappointed. He looked everywhere, but it was nowhere to be found. Just as he was about to give up, he found a note inside the machine, written by mysterious Rouge.

"Meet me at the house overlooking a hill at tomorrow morning. Come alone, or you won't find the emerald."

Tails couldn't believe it. How did Rouge know about the emerald? He didn't have much time to think. If he wanted to save his friends, he had to find Rouge. Tails quickly weighing his option, he doesn't want to involve his friends. Knowing how much Sonic likes to charge into danger, he doesn't want to risk him getting hurt, or worse, the emerald missing. Not knowing what else to do, Tails decided to meet Rouge alone.

The next morning, Tails sneaks out and flew to the house overlooking a hill, just as the note told him. The house was looking normal, despite it being the only house on the hill. It was a perfect place to hide if you didn't want to be seen. As Tails carefully approached the door, a hand reached out and pulled him inside. Tails tried to struggle, but the hand was too strong. The door slammed shut, and the room was plunged into darkness.

"Well, well, look who's here," A female voice spoke. "You're early."

"Who are you?" Tails asked, fearing the worst.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. My name is Rouge, and I have what you are looking for," the voice said.

"What do you mean?" Tails asked.

"I have the emerald. I took it from you because I know you can't handle it. It's too powerful," Rouge replied.

"But I have to find it, or my friends will be in danger!" Tails said, worried.

"Your friends will be fine, as long as you do as I say. The emerald is too powerful for someone like you. If you take it, you'll end up using it for your own selfish desires. That's why I have to keep it safe," Rouge said.

"But what if I promise not to use it? Can I have it then?" Tails asked.

"You have to prove yourself worthy first," Rouge said.

"Prove myself? But how can I prove that I'm worthy?" Tails asked, confused.

"First, you have to pass my test. Once you have done that, I'll give you the emerald," Rouge said.

"Test? What test?" Tails asked.

"You need to proof to me that you can handle me" said Rogue.

Rouge opens the curtain of the house, as sun rays spill into the dark house, the light reveals Rouge to Tails.

Tails looks at the stunning beauty in front of him, unable to believe his eyes. Rogue is wearing, what can only described as, a keyhole sweater, but the "hole" part is so big that Rogue's massive breasts just spill over. The fabric barely holding her breasts. The sweater is also barely covers Rouge lower body. She pretty much wears nothing but the sweater and thigh high socks. Tails couldn't help but stare at Rouge's amazing body.

"What's the matter? Never seen a girl before?" Rouge asked.

"N-No! Of course not!" Tails replied.

"Good, because we're going to be spending a lot of time together, and I don't want any distractions," Rouge said, stepping closer to Tails.

"D-Distractions?" Tails asked.

"Yes. You see, you need to prove to me that you can handle my body. Once you've done that, you can have the emerald," Rouge explained.

"Y-Your body?" Tails asked.

Rouge steps even closer to Tails, so close that her breasts are touching Tails's chest. She reaches her hand behind Tails and gently rubs his back. Tails is taken aback by this, but he doesn't resist.

"That's right. My body. You see, I have been handling gems all my life, and this emerald gem is one of the powerful one. I can handle it fine. If you can me, then you handle this Emerald gem. Do you understand?" Rouge asked.

Tails looks at her, still unable to believe what's happening.

"So, are you ready?" Rouge asked.

Tails looks down and thinks. This is not the situation he was expecting. He came here to get the emerald and save his friends, but now he is in a situation where he has to prove his worthiness by touching the voluptuous Rouge's body. He can't believe this is happening.

"Are you going to keep me waiting?" Rouge asked.

"N-No! O-Okay, I'll do it. I'll pass your test," Tails replied.

Rouge smiles and pulls Tails even closer to her, so that his face is buried in her cleavage. Tails can't help but blush at this.

"Good boy. Now let's start with the basics. I want you to touch me everywhere. Don't leave a single inch of my body untouched," Rouge said.

Tails starts to nervously touch Rouge's body. His hands are shaking as he starts to caress her body. He starts with her arms, then moves to her back and waist. He can't believe how smooth her fur is. He then moves to her legs and thighs, feeling her soft fur.

"Mmm... That's it. Nice and slow," Rouge said, closing her eyes.

Tails then moves his hands to her chest, gently rubbing her breasts. He can feel her nipples hardening. He then moves to her butt, squeezing it gently.

"Oh yes... That's it," Rouge said, enjoying the feeling.

Tails continues to massage her body, slowly getting used to it. He then starts to rub her breasts again, gently squeezing them.

"Mmm... Yes," Rouge moaned.

Rogue then pulls down her flimsy sweater top, revealing her massive breasts. Tails can't believe his eyes. He has never seen such big breasts before much less with inverted nipples.

"Now, use your mouth on me," Rouge said.

Tails looks at her, confused.

"Don't worry, just do what I say," Rouge said.

Tails nods and moves his head closer to her chest. He opens his mouth and starts to suck on her breasts. He gently nibbles on her nipples, causing her to moan in pleasure.

"Oh yes... That's it. Keep going," Rouge said, enjoying the feeling.

Tails continues to suck on her breasts, gently massaging them. He can feel his member growing hard as he sucks on her breasts. Tails can also feels Rogue nipple starting to emerge from her inverted nipples.

"Mmm... That's it. Use your tongue," Rouge said.

Tails does as she says and starts to lick her nipples. He can feel them hardening as he licks them. Rouge lets out a moan of pleasure as she enjoys the feeling. Tails continues to lick her nipples, gently nibbling on them. Rouge lets out a moan of pleasure as she enjoys the feeling.

"Yes... That's it. You're doing great," Rouge said, enjoying the feeling.

Tails continues to suck on her breasts, gently massaging them. He can feel his member growing harder as he sucks on her breasts. Tails was feeling very weird as he never had feelings like this before, especially not towards someone he just met. Rouge's breasts are so big that it was a struggle to cover all of them. Tails can feel her nipples emerging fully.

"I want you to kiss me... in the lips" said Rouge, pushing Tails's face upwards.

Tails looks at her, surprised by this sudden request. He can see lust in Rouge's eyes as she stares at him. He slowly moves his head towards hers and kisses her.

Their lips connect, and they share a passionate kiss. Tails can feel his member growing even harder as they kiss. Rouge wraps her arms around him and pulls him closer, deepening the kiss.

Tails has never kissed before, much less a girl. This is all new to him, and he doesn't know what to do. Rouge continues to kiss him, moaning in pleasure. Her tongue enters his mouth and explores it, tasting him. Tails can't believe how good it feels as they kiss. The two of them continue to kiss passionately as they explore each other's mouths. Tails can feel his member growing even harder as they kiss. He can feel it throbbing in his pants, desperate for release. Rouge can feel it too as she rubs her hand over his crotch.

Tails's mind was racing with questions as Rouge's tongue was exploring his mouth. Why did he have to go through this test? Why was she kissing him? What was her motive? Tails thought he would get the emerald without much trouble, but now he's here, making out with Rouge. He's also very close to cumming in his pants. Tails tries his best to ignore the sensation of pleasure and focus on the task at hand, but it's difficult when Rouge's tongue is so skillfully exploring his mouth.

Tails pulls away from Rouge's lips, gasping for breath. Strings of saliva was forming between their lips. Rouge looks at him, a smirk on her face.

"Why did you stop?" Rouge asked.

"I-I need to catch my breath," Tails replied.

"It's okay, you can take a break. But remember, you still have to finish your test," Rouge said.

Tails nods, still gasping for breath. He can't believe how good it felt to kiss Rouge. It was like nothing he ever experienced before. He could still taste her on his lips and tongue. Rouge smiles at him as he catches his breath. She knows that she has him right where she wants him.

"What's the matter? Can't handle me yet?" Rouge asked.

"No, I'm fine. I just need a moment to breathe," Tails replied.

Rouge smirks at him, knowing full well that he can't handle her. Tails looks at her, not sure what to do next. Rouge then stands up and remove the remaining clothes on her body, leaving only the thigh-high socks on.

"Well... What are you waiting for? We're not done yet," Rouge said, seductively.



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