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I tried (again) to do something out of my usual stuff. A relatively normal-sized bust? Loona that doesn't have a thunder thigh?

And I have a controversial opinion too: I like this type of Loona better

Short Story

Being a new hire in IMP is hard, especially since you are only the second hellhound in the team. Your boss, Blitzo, is an imp, the company founder and the kind of boss everyone fears of. His daughter and receptionist, Loona, is a grumpy hellhound who doesn't like being the receptionist and makes no secret of that. And then there is the assassin, Moxxie, an imp with a big heart and a passion for singing, but he is a total klutz and his wife, Millie, both of whom are very friendly towards you. They help you get used to your new job and are always willing to lend a hand when needed.

The work at IMP is hard, but you do have some crush on Loona, who seems to hate everyone. It doesn't help that she is so beautiful. Her fur is white as snow, her eyes are crimson red, her hair is a light grey color, and she has a small, black nose. Her long hair falls over her right shoulder, covering most of her face. You try not to stare at her too much, but it is difficult not to look at such a pretty hellhound.

One day, there is a party at the office and you are invited. You are really looking forward to it, as you have never been to a party in Hell before. The night comes, and you go to the office party. The atmosphere is great, everyone is dancing and having fun. But when you approach Loona to talk to her, she doesn't seem to be enjoying herself. She is sitting alone in a corner, looking bored and miserable.

You decide to try and cheer her up. You walk over to her and sit down next to her.

"Hey, Loona," you say, smiling. "Having fun?"

She looks at you with her piercing red eyes and give you a cold stare. "Go away."

You are taken aback by her response, but decide to persist. "Come on, Loona, why don't you come and dance? It's a party, you know!"

She shakes her head. "I don't dance."

You try again. "Come on, Loona, everyone is having fun, you should try letting loose and have some fun too!"

She glares at you. She stands and points at your chest, poking you with her claw.

"You don't get it, do you?" she asks, her voice low and menacing. "I don't WANT to have fun. I don't WANT to let loose. I don't even WANT to be here. I hate these stupid parties, I hate this stupid job, and I hate YOU." she shouts, poking you again. "You don't know what it's like. You've never had to deal with anything in your life, have you? You're just a spoiled brat who doesn't know how good you have it. So stop trying to tell me what to do, and leave me the fuck alone!". The party stops, everyone turns to see the commotion. Loona pushes past you, walking out the door.

The music starts up again and everyone continues dancing and drinking. But you feel terrible. You have ruined the party, and now everyone is mad at you. You tried to get back into the party, but it was no use. You felt ashamed, embarrassed, and sad. You had never felt this bad before.

You decided to leave the party, going back home. As you entered the elevator, you thought about what happened.

'I just wanted to cheer her up, that's all. Why did she have to be so rude?' you think, sighing.

You decided to go back to your flat. It wasn't much, but it was home.

'At least I have a place to sleep tonight,' you think, trying to look on the bright side.

But even that small comfort didn't help. You couldn't get Loona's angry expression out of your mind. You laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling.

'Why did I have to be such a jerk? Why couldn't I just leave her alone?' you think, feeling worse and worse.

You decided to get some sleep. You closed your eyes, trying to forget the horrible day you had. You hoped things would be better tomorrow.

As soon as you got up, you knew something was wrong. Your entire body was aching, and your head was pounding. You slowly got out of bed, your legs shaky and weak. You made your way to the bathroom, hoping a hot shower would help you feel better. You turned on the shower, letting the hot water run over your sore muscles. It helped a little, but not much. Luckily it is the weekend, so you don't have to go to work.

As you are sitting in your apartment, you hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" you shout.

"It's me, Loona. Can we talk?" a familiar voice answers.

'It's Loona. Why is she here? Did she change her mind? Is she gonna apologize?' you wonder.

You open the door and see Loona standing there, holding a pizza box.

"Hey. Can I come in?" she asks.

"Sure," you reply.

You step aside and let her enter your flat. She sits on the couch and places the pizza box on the table.

She is wearing a red sweater with a pentagram symbol, black pants and a pair of black boots.

"So... What's up?" you ask.

"I just wanted to say sorry. For last night. I was a bitch."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you."

"You were just trying to be nice. And I appreciate that."


"Yeah. No one has ever been that nice to me before."


"Anyway, I brought you a peace offering. Pizza."


"I didn't know what kind you liked, so I just got pepperoni. I hope that's okay."

"It's perfect."

You and Loona talk and eat pizza.

"You know, I've never really had a friend before. Well, I mean, I had friends, but not really FRIENDS, you know?" Loona says, her red eyes staring at you.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I had a few friends, but they weren't really friends. Just people I hung out with," you reply, thinking back to your old life.

"So... What do we do now?" Loona asks.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know.... but...."

"But what?"

"Well... I know I humiliated you yesterday... let me make it up to you", Loona then stands up, taking off her sweater, revealing her bra and her sexy, curvaceous body.

"Loona... what are you doing?" you ask.

"You wanted a party. Let's have one. A private party. Just the two of us."

She smiles at you and takes off her pants.

"Loona... Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure."

You can't believe what is happening. This beautiful hellhound is taking off her clothes, right in front of you.

"Well, don't just sit there. Take off your clothes," she says, giving you a sexy smile.

"I have a crush on you" said Loona. "It's rare to see a hellhound in this place, and you are just my type actually, cute, shy, and sweet"

"I had a crush on you since the first day I saw you too" you said, taking off your clothes.

Loona's face becomes red, but she continues undressing.

You stand up and remove your shirt.

Loona looks at you and licks her lips. "Damn, you're hot," she says.

You blush and continue undressing.

"That's better," she says, her eyes scanning your body.

"You're not so bad yourself," you reply, looking at her.

She smiles and removes her bra, revealing her breasts.

"Oh, wow..." you say, staring at her breasts.

"Do you like them?" she asks, smiling.

"They're... amazing."

"Good. Because they're yours now."

You are both naked, and you are starting to get aroused.

"Now, what should we do?" she asks, moving closer to you.

"I... I don't know."

"Well, let's find out."

She moves closer to you and kisses you, her tongue invading your mouth.

You kiss her back, your hands roaming over her body.

"Fuck, you're so hot," you whisper, kissing her neck.

"And you're mine," she says, pushing you onto the sofa.

She straddles you and begins to kiss your neck.

You moan and grab her ass, squeezing it.

"Mmm, yes," she says, her eyes rolling back.

You kiss her breasts and take one of her nipples into your mouth.

She moans and arches her back, pressing her breast against your face.

"I love you Loona," you say, looking up at her.

Loona smirked and said "Hey, don't ruin this moment, I don't even know you that well..."

"Oh, sorry," you say, blushing.

She giggles and kisses you again, her tongue exploring your mouth.

You moan and kiss her back, your hands stroking her soft fur.

It was the most intense experience of your life; the only thing you could think of was how lucky you were to be there with her.




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