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Hi! Here are some more details about the March Package. 

I just added a collaboration with Reagan Anthony to the package :D  (https://www.patreon.com/ReaganAnthony928) There will be something related to this photomanip collaboration in each tier. 

Lots of people ask: How do I get the package?? This is how: On the last day of the month, I will make a post that will trigger pledge collection. (I don't collect pledges monthly, only when there is a package). Once Patreon collects the pledges (it takes a few days) I send out direct messages with links to your tier. If you have any more questions, send me a message :)

Contents (remember that higher tiers also get everything in lower tiers):

$1+ Tier: 

   --> 2 sketch pages, one with dance-themed poses, one with foot studies.

  --> 4 Bagheerette comic panels (full size pics with text bubbles, so slightly different format this time)

  -->Collab with Regan Anthony

$2+ Tier:

  --> Bagheerette story chunk in text format

  --> Process pics (probably between 5-10), including collab process pics

  --> Full res copies of pics posted to Patreon/DA

$4+ Tier:

  --> 2 bonus sketch pages (dance poses, poses highlighting feet).

  --> Audio sketches (2 or 3 short little musical ideas I arranged with some voice elements, focusing on jungle book themes)

  --> Timelapse videos, including collab timelapse

  --> Alternate versions of some pics in the package or posted to the feed (minor changes, nothing big :)

Let me know if you have any questions at all! And BIG thank you~



Very excited, Can hardly wait!


I do have one question: if you already have a tier pledge prior to this date, would you need to pledge again to a higher tier?


Good question. Prior tier pledges won’t matter, the only thing that matters is your pledge on March 31 when they are locked in. That’s the only time pledges are collected. Does that make sense? So if you pledged $4 a couple months ago, but now it’s $1, you’ll only get the $1 tier because you never got charged back then. Your pledge hasn’t been collected and won’t be until March 31. Let me know if I’m being confusing!! :P