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Happy holidays! I know I owe the $4 tier some bonus content, so this is especially for you, but there is something for everyone here :D I’m still finishing up two patron sketches and two art trades, but this foot study got away from me and finished itself just in time for the holidays. Enjoy ^^ (No charge for this, otherwise it wouldn’t be a gift 🎁 😋 )

BTW is this something we can expect to see in Disney’s eventual Jungle Book #4?? :)

$4 tier: I’ll send you a link to a Timelapse for this piece in the next week and several alternates, including expression and clothing alternates.

$2 tier, I’ll send you a link with the sketch of this piece.
$1 tier: You get this full-res image, not posted anywhere else.

❤️ You all, Happy Holidays! The links will be coming to your inboxes in the next few days, so keep an eye out




Happy Holidays to you too, Amikazam!


Wow! Fantastic work, my friend! Probably my favorite piece by you I've ever seen. So glad to have you back!


A great piece as always, Ami. And you being back to drawing in spite of the technical setbacks is the greatest boost of holiday spirit. Wishing you a splendid holiday season and a fantastic start to 21.


I hope you have a merry Xmas as well Amicus