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As I'm trying to re-create all the progress I lost, I'm also trying to get better at things I wasn't good at before. You all probably know that's foots above all :P I used to hide hands and feet in pics because they were so hard, but because hands and feet are SO expressive, it's better to face my fears :) Enjoy these studies!




I'm glad you're bouncing back after that whole situation. This is a good start and who knows this may be something even better in the end. It'll be alright.


Hey, awesome, dude! I'm glad to see ya feeling a little better ☺️ Glad that you didn't get turned off from drawing forever, and as an expert in this field let me say, nice job on those feet! ^^


I'm happy to see doing arlight after your situation. I was worried we never hear from you again. If you have any issues, we're here for you.


Awesome, I am so glad you are getting back into it! Those feet look really natural, great job.

Duth Olec

Glad you're still going after the loss. Hope things go well!


I'm so happy to see you back making art! You are fabulous.


*You’re* fantastic! :D thank you so much for the warm welcome back ^^