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This is a unique package and I have had a great time collaborating with https://www.deviantart.com/doctorwhofan02 (pixel art) and https://www.deviantart.com/spiralsoles (literature) to make this happen! You must make a pledge before May 30th to get this package! The rewards will be sent out once all pledges are processed, probably around June 7th.

The Bagheerette story is picking up again where it left off, and it’s going to be *good.* SpiralSoles has already written some of the upcoming chapters and I am working on art to go with it. It’s patron-only so make sure to check your payment details so you don’t miss the introduction into this next part of the story.

To the $4 patrons: This package I’m trying something new! You can pick one bonus reward from a previous package from a list that I will send out in a private message. The list will include:

-> The audio files and video from the March 2020 package.

-> The comic page from the March 2020 package.

-> Patron-only art and Timelapse from some previous packages (options will be sent in a message to you)..

-> For patrons with a lifetime pledge of $25 or more, a personalized rough sketch [like the old days on my Patreon ;) ]

Welcome to the new patrons! I have had questions about what ”per creation” means on my page. It means that instead of charging every month, I only collect pledges when I finish one of these packages, usually once every couple of months. If there is no package during a month, you won’t be charged. :) If you have any questions, just send me a message!

Finally, DoctorWhoFan02 made this poster about the pixel art he’s contributed to this package. Never mind the April reference, we had to push this release back because I‘m slow :P




Absolutely looking forward to the story continuing on. It's been a year or two since the last time we had a chapter for Bagheer-ette. Very excited! ^^


So Spiralsoles is writing the comic and you're just drawing it? Or are they writing the dialogue? Exciting to see what the coming chapters bring!


Good question! This chapter is going to be in a little different format, SpiralSoles has written it in story form and I’ll be doing art to go along with it, more like an illustrated story if that makes sense? We will give it a try, I am interested to hear feedback on what everyone thinks about the format.