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I hope you all enjoyed the June rewards.  I want to do the kind of rewards in the future that make you ECSTATIC to be a patron. :D  I have a few ideas here (for $2+ patrons), but there are many possibilities!  If there is a reward that you you would especially like, please put it in the comments!  You can choose more than one.

Also, some $10+ patrons haven't requested their July sketch yet.  Make sure to do that soon!



Oooooh this is a tricky one!


I know!!X3 I'm stuck choosing between the 1st, 3rd, and 4th!!!X3


You can choose all three if you want! :)


Thanks I appreciate. :)


I think I'll make my vote for the asks. We all got some questions for Kaa, Baghi, and Balou (that's her official name in the comic Daughter of Baloo?). and the ultimate question of all!!!- Does Bagheer-ette like Kaa? owo


How does one go about requesting a sketch?


Right now I'm doing monthly sketches for $10 patrons, but it's been so popular that I'm thinking about doing every-other-month sketches for a new $5 tier. I'll send you a note soon to talk about it more :)


Asks would just be sent in by message though, or any way you'd like to reach me is fine (assuming asks are something people would like to see)