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"I think it fits perfectly."

Okay, so here's a new thing that I did. Not the drawing. I like making lots of sexy latex drawings.

I went ahead and ordered these nice DnD dice from a custom shop. While I can use them for DnD, I had the idea to set up a Roll Table for sketch ideas when I'm looking for a drawing to warm up with. Warmups are usually these brainless scribbles where I just start drawing, and sometimes something good comes out. It's a little harder to start up the creative muscles than it is to start the drawing muscles, so a lot of the warmups aren't very interesting on a creative level.

The Roll Table is an attempt to fix some of that. I'll roll the dice, and it'll give me an idea of what to draw. And since I made this table for myself, I get to put in a bunch of stuff that I like drawing anyway. Here's the first version of that roll table.

I'll be sure to adjust it over the next few weeks. And as my patrons, I'm open to any suggestions you might have!

(Oh hey, it's Friday. Man, that went by fast. Good to be back, guys!)



Connor Grady

"Feels like I'm wearing nothin at all! Nothin at all! Nothin at all!"


Now that's a catsuit! And fun concept for rolling for art. If I were to make a suggestion, it would be for Cazzam.