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So I've been wanting to make a new character for the whole "Magical Girl SCP" universe, and I had in mind adding a researcher who would be somewhat antagonistic to Director Fairbanks. This character would be an important figure trying to push the agency/division into more radical directions. They would initially be loyal to the foundation, but their agenda and ambition may ultimately put them at odds with the rest of the crew. Basically, I figured the cast needed a little bit of spice to it.

I hadn't settled on the character's look, age, or gender, let alone a name yet. And frankly, even with this drawing, I would say that it's just a first attempt. But right now, you can call her Dr Liang. She's young, ambitious, and doesn't get nearly enough sleep.

Oh hey, happy weekend everyone! I think this is the last update before Christmas. Don't worry, I've still got it in mind to wrap up a few more presents for you guys. But for now, safe travels and have a good holiday!




ooh, Liang and Fairbanks definitely have some history of the *spicy* kind

Griffin Hawk

Yup, they totally slept together after having a few too many drinks at the company christmas party. Even though they really dislike each other for various reasons, the sex was so good that they still 'occasionally' hook-up, usually when work has been tough that week and they need to release some stress. Though just who "takes charge" during those encounters is anyone's guess. . .