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This week of characters per day, "Super Heroes."

I'll be honest, I love superheroes but I don't have that much interest in making my own superhero universe. I feel like I don't have much new to contribute that hasn't already been said by many of the great storytellers. But even still, I do have a few characters that I would like to do something with. And a few of these heroes have shown up before.

Julie, to be clear, is actually part of the "magical girl scp" universe rather than part of this "World Hero Society" universe but there's no rule saying I can't crossover two of my worlds from time to time.

Flavor Text goes as follows:  1: "No I don't actually turn into solid gold, it's an indestructible alloy that kinda looks like gold."

"So why's your codename, Goldie?"

"Well... Goldie's a way better name than 'Indestructible Alloy-y' right?"  2: Defender Yellow, last survivor of The Ranger Patrol-Force continues the fight against evil as a solo hero. Attempts have been made to recruit her into the World Hero Society but all offers so far have been quietly rebuffed.

3: Julie, The Technomancer, has had enough monster bullshit right now. Dir Fairbanks recommends we stay out of her way.

4: The World Hero Society has kept an eye on the hero known as "Big Help" but has decided not to poach her away from her position as a small town defender. Besides, she seems to be happy in her role keeping one town safe and helping people when their broken down car needs a lift.

5: The WHS first became aware of the P4TT1 entity when she came to them with information about an imminent world wide threat to critical data centers on the web. P4TT1's ability to inhabit her consciousness in any copy of her likeness on the internet has proven a helpful asset.



Griffin Hawk

This was really cool and I would love to see more of all these characters. Having something new to say about superheroes is less important than having something fun to say.


Always love to see Big Help and Goldie! Your characters continue to be out of this world!