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In lieu of Patreon changing the way posts with multiple images work, I was trying to make a cropped version of the top image work. But it was getting a little frustrating and I think this one isn't so bad that I really need to crop it anyway. I think you guys are getting used to me posting weirder pics too.

I had been thinking about how I need to practice drawing skeletons and well... having a science experiment gone wrong was all the excuse I needed. Maybe this is another extension of whatever honey based experiments were happening last week. Or maybe it's better to not overthink it.

Still... I know there are a lot of people where the stories behind the images are half of the fun. So ya know, maybe we can just count this as another Psuscience experiment again causing all kinds of transformations.



Griffin Hawk

OMG, this look. . . has awakened something within meeeeeeeeee!!!! No, I'm just kidding, that was there all along :D

Stephen Mumford

Oh, man, the way you managed the transparency and light diffusion through the goo body was *chef's kiss*