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It's about time I updated the link for the high res folder so I'll be doing that shortly after making this post.

One of the appeals to doing a story about the "chef girl" character alongside the story that's growing in my head over it, is that drawing food seems to come pretty naturally to me. It's something  used to great effect in Question Duck even though that series was strictly vegetarian. (but seemingly not vegan) Drawing food however, I seem to exaggerate more but in a way that feels good for the drawing. I like to get across the shine or the texture with very quick strokes and very little laying out. Basically drawing food is fun for me. Each food doodle here took under a minute.

I have this anecdote about Sana Takeda, who's one of my favorite artists. But in one repeated panel on one page of her work on x-23, I saw a slice of pizza in the bottom of the panel which looked soooooo bad it actually got me angry. Pizza's one of the magical creations of the world and to make one that was just a sad line of color and some red on it really took me out of it. The panel could have easily not shown the pizza. But since it did, I'll never forget that horrible thing.

People should include food more often in their stories. It's one of the things we as humans spend like a third of our waking lives attaining.




In Persona, having characters eating different foods in a restaurant is a great way for the characters to know each other and for the audience to know the characters.