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Oh hey, the new season of Star Trek Lower Decks came out! Time to remind everyone that I am PROBABLY a bigger nerd for Star Trek than I am almost any other setting. And that includes Batman stuff. With more Lower Decks it'll be fun to revisit that world and every time I watch a new episode I see something I just have to draw.

And well, season 4 episode 2 had a LOT of Mariner in her workout uniform for almost no reason and I definitely felt like drawing that.

Thanks for humoring me again this week, hope you enjoyed the work. And thank you to all the new patrons who've joined up. Again, if any of you guys have any questions feel free to message me here, in the comments, or on Discord. I'll see you all on Monday! Have a good one.



Alex White

I didn't know the new season was out, thanks! It's such a great show made with love and humour.


I loved Mariners workout fit so thank you for drawing this!