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Hey guys, I'm gonna try a little experiment here. I want to have more "finished pieces" to go with my usual sketching. But I'm never sure if any one finished piece will be something you guys like. At the same time, I don't always see see or remember requests that interest me at any given moment. So I'm gonna try a middle ground.

I asked some folks on the discord what sketches they might like to see completed in colorized. Of the ones that people mentioned, these were also sketches I liked and could see cleaning up some more.

So in short, feel free to vote for which piece I should finish.

Don't worry, if something on here doesn't win the poll, I can always put it up again. And if you have any other sketches you'd like to suggest, feel free to leave a comment or send me a message anytime. I can also put up more options next time. But these are the ones for this poll and I'd like to finish one of them by the end of the month.

If this works out well, there will be more of these polls in the future.


John Slaughter

Yaz and Colette are my favs. Dynamic shots and potentially cool environments.


Psudo Pscience Tube for sure is GOOOD kink and slime/latex elements I'd love to see expounded on! Alex being a latex horse and super glossed up to -be a horse- would be my #1 vote, but given how low that is, I'm at least going to try to push the other higher up towards a win =3=