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Just a simple one today. Was watching the retro anime revival Bastard!! on Netflix and man... that's kinda a bad show that's fun to watch.

So basically, Bastard!! is an old manga/anime property from the late 80s to 90s that was an irreverent take on Fantasy manga with a lot of references to Heavy Metal and a LOT of highly sexualized goofiness. And since it's kinda 80's anime storylines, more than a little of the sexualized plot lines are prooooobably problematic. But there's an unseriousness to it that at least I think keeps it charming, though your mileage may vary.

Anyway, that brings us to Arshes Nei and I felt like drawing her! Arshes Nei is probably one of those anime characters that left an impression on older anime fans primarily because her design consisted of a lot of cleavage and often not wearing any pants. I know I saw her a lot on internet fanart sites of the early 2000s...

Just thought it'd be fun to sketch her out, and exaggerate a lot.




Bastard is such trash and I love it.


And elegant swordwoman