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High Res in the Drop Box. A semi lewd picture also added there.

I'm sorry for being quiet for the past weekend. I actually got so mad about things I went to a protest in New York. I'll spare you the details here. I'm loud enough about it on my twitter.

I feel like my biggest struggle is to find things that I like posting that I've drawn in my spare time between comics work and other illustrations. But in my spare time I like to get away from art for a while. Either I'm watching youtube videoes or playing a few games. These days I'm reading the news. All of which take up more time than I should spend when I could be spending that creating more content.

But even when I am creating content, I'm struggling internally about what kinds of lewd content I'm okay with publishing. I'm not that big a fan of using other people's cartoons for adult comics, though I do enjoy drawing them on occasions. It's just a bit wonk for me when it feels like I'm selling myself using their creations. I don't know. I struggle and I think I'll be getting over that the older a property gets. I'll probably be more willing to do it when said properties are further out of the public eye.

Anyway, it's another end of the month. So please adjust your patron pledges accordingly. That said, thank you all. And thank you all for sticking around this long. I hope to see you again in Febuary.



Philip D Jones

Thank you for your art, Psu. You have made my life richer

Philip D Jones

Definitely cute. I liked the Talps pinupalso