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Cass is seeing some lingering effects from her "battles" with Ivy.

Anyway all, thank you guys for joining me again this month. And I hope to see you in the next one. Today has been a long day and I intend to get some sleep very soon. Take care everybody and enjoy yourselves out there.



Griffin Hawk

At least it's growing out of her head and not her. . . well, you know.


This is unreasonably cute. 🥰

Michael Campen

Well, at least it's not cordyceps.

Tai Korczak

She’s a pikmin now

Brian Kim

This remind me of a children novel where a family of gnome(?) moves to human world. Their belief is contradictory of human norm, so someone insults them they take it as compliment and will spout flower on their head and be delighted.


Poison Ivy turned Cass into a Pikmin! The fiend!