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What the hell December? What's the hurry to get to Christmas? Are you just as tired of 2016 as I am?

Anyway, here's a rough sketch of Overwatch's Hanzo. I know, I was pretty tempted too to draw Tracer and her girlfriend like one half of the Overwatch Fanart community got busy with. But I admit I've drawn waaay too many pretty girls lately. So I went with what the other half of the Overwatch community was drawing and it was Hanzo's new haircut.

You can read their comic here, it's pretty cute. https://comic.playoverwatch.com/en-us/tracer-reflections 

(well, you can't read it in Russia. It's kinda banned there) 

I think the story in the above drawing is simple and would work okay. The implication would be Hanzo's reminded of his own little brother and holidays. But it's kinda too simple and lacks much nuance to it. And it comes across as a little obvious. At least I think his beard came out okay even if his eyelashes are a bit too strong in this sketch.



Agustin Macias

2016 was just the worst(The election results alone tops the list). Here's hoping for 2017 to be much better but knowing where we're headed, I have extremely small hope.


There is no such thing as too many pretty girls