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That's a hell of a butt...

In what might be an unconcious/concious desire to dream about working on an actual Batgirls comic someday, I've been thinking about adjusting the way I draw Cassandra. Not the butt. The butt's fine for now. I mean her face and hair and general look. I would usually draw her with a normal "psu" face and some short action-y hair. But I think it wouldn't work as well alongside a lot of the usual DC styles. I wouldn't want to lose all the toonish look, but paring it back some and giving her more distinctly asian features isn't a bad idea at all. It would make her look more believable in that world.




Love the "study" here and I think that there's something to be said for giving her a little clearer Asian look to her features - it's certainly be fitting for her character, and let her stand out more next to some others. :)


The way you draw Cassandra is one of my favorite styles of the character. I hope one day you do another mini comci or achieve the dream. Because it's a very nice dream to have.