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Hey folks, I figured I could start off December with a much older piece of mine I never really posed anywhere. Data on this piece pegs its creation to December 2010.

I think it was a request that was supposed to be Rapunzel from Tangled as Alice because Disney Blonde Girls I suppose.

Anyway, I post it cause one I still rather like the look of the piece. But two, I find it interesting to see how much my methods of drawing changed. I was really into texture at the time. I still am, but the tools I use now actually make that kind specific "paper cloudy" texture a lot harder to do. Clip Studio Paint doesn't treat "grey" area in a bruch material the same way photoshop does, instead it only has like one "bit" of information per brush material.

The results in these old photoshop days are these beautiful texture-y pages. But I was maybe too concerned with leaving those textures up instead of cleaning up the final image. At the time I really aprpecieated these messy drawings and maybe today I'm a lot cleaner than I would like to be. I think part of my instinct is to still draw like these fluffy messes and it has really informed the way I get to paint pages. You see that a lot in how I paint starfields in Cassiopeia Quinn.

I'm much better now, I wouldn't make some of these same anatomy mistakes. You can see Rapunzel here has something like two different places where her shins are supposed to begin. The lines aren't the prettiest lines in of themselves, even though the curves rae super nice. And the painting process doesn't do the dress any favors. At the same time, her face is still a classic "Psudonym" face. Which remains a crowd pleaser.




Lookit that cute face. There is something really neat about looking this far back though, seeing construction, style and approach "then" as it compares to what you get up to now. The hair almost has a pastels look, over the backdrop - a fun little post, to be sure. :)


I love the "sketchy" look here and how you filled the lines (also the paper texture, of course). Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's because I'm not an artist myself, but I often prefer this look to the very neat/polished one. Thanks for the commentary!