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I'd been realizing that when I draw Rose, she tends to look younger than she should. Or at least she should look a somewhat older than my other characters anyway. I looked at an artist's work that I liked a lot and kinda used that to help me draw Rose with a little differently. I think it came out rather successful, I just need to make sure I keep some of these elements for the next time.

A couple notes here, I'm trying a couple new things with coloring along with some older stuff that I stopped doing a little while ago. This... seems to be working. It's a little wonky and I'm not used to it. But I think it's got a some potential.

When I get some more examples of it working well and working quickly, I'll explain it in a little more detail.



Ember Saffron

Das a mom shaped rose!

Death of Ink

That's some beautifully aged Mother beauty right there!