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I was definitely a little wary about posting this cause it edges closer to full on peril than I'd like to admit. But it's definitely a thing for me that expands on BDSM fantasies. I've gotten better about talking about these things, though I still prefer the intimacy of talking about it one on one rather than posting it like this. So I was wary of sharing like this.

But hell, it's not THAT bad and I spent some time on it this holiday weekend. I hope some of you guys dig it.




Love the composition here, telling the progressive story around the page. Some wonderful expression-work, and nice to see Ivy being a serious/tough opponent here, getting the drop on her new guest... :)


Yay, more Cass! Now she just needs Steph to show up and save her, eventually, with some clever (or crazy, or both) plan. XD

Secret Sketchbook

Hey man if you want to do it then do it, I learned long ago keeping it in only drives you insane


Please, feel free to continue with what makes you feel comfortable. This is fantastic


Oh I dig it psu. An amazing sketch. Also don't let those ideas flounder and keep it in. Let them out. What I do. What you're doing here. Also chatting about all of this? That's what we're here for :)


I'm sure its just a mild paralysis venom, just a big misunderstanding! Cass just got lost on her way to pick up some milk, ended up in the vegetable isle.


I would really love to see this colored!