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Analog Horror girl is probably one of my most popular characters and yet I think she has the LEAST concrete story behind her. Maybe it's better that way. I just know that she has a very slight build. Is more chill than her appearance lets on. Has big headphones.

So anyway, I'll be at NYCC soon. Hopefully I'll find some time to make some fresher content. I'm kinda stressing out in a weird way. I feel like I shouldn't be but I'm way overthinking the final packing.

Well... it shouldn't be bad at all really. All I gotta do is show up.




She keeps coming off as charmingly horrifying.

Stephen Mumford

Two questions, if you've thought about it: does she talk? I don't think we've seen her do so yet, but i'm not sure if she just hasn't yet, or if she doesn't. I feel like it'd be creepier if she doesn't actually talk, but just kinda DOES things as needed. Also, while her form seems to be inky, 100%-non-reflective Vanta-black style nothingness, is her hair this same void as well? I seem to recall one of your drawings where her hair with some light 'texture' to it, but i wasn't sure if that was intentional, or just accidental "highlighting" from the wispy nature of the brush strokes. Either way, yes, for one of your characters with the least lore, she is definitely a popular one! perhaps that lack of lore help with her popularity. The viewer can assign a lot to her as needed.


I'm still forming the character but I think a couple things. She can talk through radios, if she wants to. She often doesn't need to. I think MOST of her is "vanta black" but it has gradients. Like her teeth catch light and other parts of her around the edges can catch light too. It's kinda weird.