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Definitely in a "cyberpunk" mood this week thanks to Edgerunners. But here's a sketch that I was messing around it and didn't finish. I actually started lineart on it but I was really disappointed with how the lineart was going so I stopped. The sketch has a nice vibe to it, even though it's clearly unfinished. I think the rough sketch lines sorta add to the mood and the style. It just wasn't translating very well when I was cleaning it up.




Story prompt: Person in a cyberpunk world wakes up from passed out, apparently victim of some sort of cyberbrain attack, like a quickhack. Memories around that moment are very corrupted, and the only recoverable fragment is this image. The "unfinished" nature of the picture, unclear and partial, is a result of the corruption/fragmentation. This is the only lead that person has to figuring out what happened to them.


Collette with suiting up tile armor