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Sorry I didn't have a post up in the morning. I was feeling rather ill yesterday and wasn't up for setting up posts. It's been a challenging week but it's also been pretty inspiring for some new work. Being in a city helped me dream up this little scenario for Rosemary who's just kinda enjoying how risky it is to have such wide open windows like this...



Michael Campen

All those lazy girls just hanging about, they need a good spanking to light a fire under their asses.

Death of Ink

Rose: "Then he left me hanging there, fully naked, where it'd be possible for someone to spot me if they looked through the window hard enough despite the lack of light!" Colette: "Wow, that's...that's something." Rose: "Right? He really knows how to up the game, always love the chances I get to visit him in that big city." Colette: ".....So you think-um-we could try that?" Rose: *smirks* "Funny, I was just thinking of bringing that up." *tickles chin*