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These sketches seemed a little off model, like their heads were too big or something and it wasn't coming out in a way I was liking despite some nice curves. Ah well. Lessons learned for next time.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for another very successful patreon month. Of course another big thank you goes to all the new patrons who decided to give my channel a shot.

This month has been kind of OC focused with some psyducks thrown in for good measure. I've been wanting to draw my original characters more, and flesh more of them out. I know some of you guys would love to see me draw some more fan art characters too. I have a few favorite characters I'll always be drawing, of course. But really, getting to stick with my original characters for so long is becoming more rewarding as you guys get to know them and I can start making their stories into a reality.

Also, frankly, it's nice to do something with OCs cause I don't really worry about ruining someone's vision of this or that character. Well... at least not as much. I can always end up disappointing someone if say... Colette turns out to be a real jerk somehow. But I don't think that's gonna happen.

I just hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do. If anything, lemme know what you think about them and if you've got any favorites. I'll be keeping all that in mind as I start making more pictures with them all.

Anyway, I've been writing these news posts ahead of time because by the time you're reading this I'll be on the road to my new place. I hope to see you all again in my new, temporary home for the rest of the year! Take care everyone.



Griffin Hawk

Oh, no, thank YOU!

Death of Ink

Colette's working out in the first one and Rosemary's off-panel, just looking "respectfully". The former also knows her girlfriend is ogling...and likes it.


I would love to see a series of pictures of Collette being compelled to be a jerk somehow, but because she's so naturally good natured it just becomes a lot of her doing comically petty things with a mean face, like an annoyed cat.


Gimme dat Suzie! I'm always thirsty for more Suzie